

Arno Lücker talks to Roland Kluttig about his departure from Coburg, the perfect opera and discoveries for Graz. Read the interview here.
Interview: Arno Lucker| 07/01/2020
Source: www.van-magazin.de/
LeHowever, many events could not take place in 2020. Instead, listen to a radio show with recordings by Roland Kluttig on Deutschlandfunk Kultur.
Moderator: Stefan Lang | Post 05.04.2020
Source: www.deutschlandfunkkultur.de
Interview with Roland Kluttig on the Rheingold premiere in Coburg
Annika Täuschel speaks in BR-KLASSIK with Roland Kluttig about his Rheingold premiere in Coburg.
Source: BR Classic
Alcohol, sex and gambling - if you have enough money, everything is allowed in the city of Mahagonny. This modern Sodom and Gomorrah is the invention of the artist duo Bertolt Brecht and Kurt Weill. Her opera "Rise and Fall of the City of Mahagonny" from 1930 will premiere on June 22 at the Landestheater Coburg. Elgin Heuerding spoke to musical director Roland Kluttig about Weill's music.
Source: BR Classic